Ann "CRIM" Crimmins

Improv Utopia East 2024

Ann "CRIM" Crimmins presents

Elective: Narrative Improv


We are born storytellers. Let's investigate typical story forms and apply them to improv scenes that bring to life the best of improv: tell a story! Let's put on our storyteller hats and create a tale or two for the ages! Will it be a monoscene? A montage? Who knows what we'll decide to do!

Recommended for Brand New Improvisors, Beginner, Intermediate.

About Ann "CRIM" Crimmins

Sixteen + years in improv. Graduate of ImprovBoston, Happier Valley, and Sea Tea. Thirteen time a CIU attendee. Performed and led or took workshops in CT, MA, RI, NY, NJ, CO, CA, MD, PA, Canada, Ireland, Australia. Improv teacher at Sea Tea since 2017. Co-founder of Vintage Improv Festival. Sea Tea teams are TourCo and The Nerd Ensemble. I've directed and produced shows at Sea Tea.

Jacque Arend

Jacque is a freelance artist and administrator. In working for & operating small businesses, Jacque has developed web design skills. She has completed four websites for other small businesses and freelance professionals using Squarespace from 2020 to present day.

Anděl Sudik


Billy Soco