Let’s wonder together

As 2023 comes to a close, I think about all the retreats we did this year and all the new memories, new friends, old friends, learning, growing, and shaping the future of our art form together. You are all a part of improv history, paving the way and defining the future. By bringing back and sharing all the wonderful things you’ve learned from all the teachers, leaders, and DEI discussions you are elevating our art form. Improv is about being in the present and by defining now, you are defining the future. I love being surrounded by a community of people that embrace change, evolve, and stand up for things. Improv has always been ahead of the curb when it comes to evolving.

Improv Utopia is all about you, you all define what it’s all about. Improv Utopia has been through so many changes over our 12 years and I’m so proud to say how you have all organically shaped it. It’s beautiful and it always gives me a comfort and reminds me of how strong improv can be even beyond any stage or theater. Improv classes are one thing, but bonds, friendships, sharing of information, wonder, support is way more important to you all and for that I am humbled and grateful.

Looking ahead to 2024 we are committed to being a leader in the improv community and help continue to shape the future with you. We look forward to the year ahead with new and returning friends.

We hope you have a safe and fantastic 2024 and we hope to see you during one of our five camps this year. Let’s build stronger bonds, do some good in the world, and shoot some bows and arrows together. Thank you for being wonderful humans and making the world a better place.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another.”
- Charles Dickens

“We are much more interested in information than wonder and noise rather than silence. How do we encourage reflection?”
- Mr. Rodgers

Nick Armstrong
Founder/Executive Director
Improv Utopia


Thank you, IU WEST 2024